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Myopia: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Myopia: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
  • 13 Nov 2023
  • Redaksi Liveaman
  • Mins

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Myopia, commonly referred to as nearsightedness, is an optical condition affecting a substantial portion of the global population. In this comprehensive exploration, we will unravel the intricacies of this disorder, examining its causes, discussing preventative measures, and elucidating various treatment modalities. Furthermore, we will shine a spotlight on AmanVista, an innovative insurance company committed to revolutionizing eye care through its tailored services.

What is Myopia?

Myopia is a refractive error, a common vision condition where distant objects appear blurred while close-up vision remains clear. This occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea’s curvature is too steep, causing light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it.


  1. Genetic Factors: Myopia often has a hereditary component. If one or both parents have it, the likelihood of their children developing the condition increases. Understanding family history is crucial in assessing an individual’s risk.
  2. Environmental Factors: Prolonged engagement in close-up activities, such as reading or prolonged use of electronic devices, particularly during childhood, has been linked to an elevated risk of myopia. The modern lifestyle, characterized by extensive screen time, may contribute to the increasing prevalence of this disorder.
  3. Lifestyle Choices: Lack of outdoor activities and reduced exposure to natural light have been associated with a higher incidence of myopia. Outdoor activities are not only beneficial for overall health but also play a protective role against eye sickness.

Consequences of Myopia

While myopia is commonly considered a vision problem that can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses, this condition can have long-term consequences that need to be considered. Some potential consequences include:

  1. High Risk of Eye Complications: Severe myopia can increase the risk of serious eye complications, such as retinal detachment or glaucoma.
  2. Daily Functioning Challenges: Individuals with myopia often face difficulties in seeing distant objects, especially without the aid of glasses or contact lenses. This can impact daily activities such as driving or watching performances.
  3. Impact on Quality of Life: Poorly managed myopia can have an impact on a person’s quality of life. Vision impairment can cause discomfort and reduce the ability to enjoy everyday activities.
  4. Influence on Education and Employment: Children experiencing myopia may struggle to read the chalkboard in school or see learning materials. In a work environment, itcan hinder performance and productivity.
  5. Increased Treatment Costs: Individuals with myopia may incur higher costs for long-term eye care, including regularly updating glasses or contact lenses and potentially considering further vision care options.
  6. Social and Psychological Impact: Difficulty in seeing clearly without visual aids can have social and psychological impacts. Individuals may experience anxiety or a loss of confidence related to their vision condition.


While genetic factors may be beyond our control, there are lifestyle modifications that can aid in preventing or slowing down myopia progression.

  1. Outdoor Activities: Encourage regular outdoor activities, as studies suggest that exposure to natural light may have a protective effect against myopia. A minimum of two hours of outdoor time per day is recommended for children.
  2. Reduce Screen Time: Implementing breaks during prolonged screen time, especially for children, can alleviate eye strain associated with near work. The 20-20-20 rule, where one looks at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes of screen time, is a simple yet effective practice.
  3. Proper Lighting: Ensure well-lit study and work environments to minimize eye strain. Adequate lighting reduces the effort the eyes need to exert during close-up tasks, promoting eye comfort.

Treatment and Prescriptions

Various options are available for managing myopia, ranging from traditional eyeglasses to advanced surgical procedures:

  1. Eyeglasses: Corrective lenses, such as eyeglasses, remain a popular and effective means of managing myopia. They compensate for the refractive error, providing clear vision for individuals with nearsightedness.
  2. Contact Lenses: Contact lenses offer an alternative to traditional eyeglasses. They sit directly on the eye, correcting myopia without the need for visible eyewear. Contact lenses are available in various forms, including daily disposables and extended-wear options.
  3. Refractive Surgery: Surgical interventions like LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) aim to reshape the cornea, correcting myopia permanently. While surgery is a more invasive option, it can provide long-term freedom from corrective lenses for many individuals.

How AmanVista Helps with Myopia

AmanVista distinguishes itself in the realm of eye care by offering innovative and comprehensive solutions. Here’s how AmanVista is making a significant impact in the field of myopia management.

  1. Eye Checks with Real Doctors: AmanVista provides access to professional eye checks conducted by qualified ophthalmologists. Regular eye examinations are crucial for the early detection and management of myopia. These comprehensive assessments not only evaluate existing refractive errors but also screen for other potential eye conditions.
  2. Glasses Prescriptions from Trusted Providers: AmanVista has established partnerships with trusted glasses providers. This ensures that individuals receive accurate prescriptions tailored to their specific needs. The convenience of obtaining reliable prescriptions through AmanVista’s network simplifies the process of acquiring corrective eyewear.
  3. Holistic Vision Care: AmanVista goes beyond conventional insurance services by embracing a holistic approach to vision care. The company is committed to not only addressing existing eye issues but also preventing potential problems through proactive measures. This commitment is reflected in their emphasis on regular eye checks and access to reputable eyewear providers.


Understanding the nuances of myopia, from its causes to preventative measures and treatment options, is pivotal for maintaining optimal eye health. AmanVista stands at the forefront of this vision-centric revolution, offering not just insurance but a holistic approach to eye care. By facilitating real doctor consultations, ensuring reliable glasses prescriptions, and promoting awareness, AmanVista is a beacon of innovation in the quest for clearer and healthier vision. Embrace a proactive approach to eye care, leverage AmanVista’s comprehensive solutions, and embark on a journey towards a brighter visual future.

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