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Technology Endeavor Scholarship: Aman’s Path to Success

Technology Endeavor Scholarship: Aman’s Path to Success
  • 25 Mar 2024
  • Redaksi Liveaman
  • Mins

Aman, in partnership with Wzard.co and WeNetwork Asia, is thrilled to introduce the “Technology Endeavor Scholarship.” This program isn’t just about financial support; it’s your ticket to a brighter future, offering unparalleled benefits and opportunities for professional advancement.

Empowering Career Transitions with Scholarship

Transitioning between jobs can be challenging, but the Technology Endeavor Scholarship offers a lifeline. Whether you’re looking to switch industries or advance within your current field, this scholarship empowers you to take control of your career trajectory. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a world of endless possibilities and benefits, such as:

  • Tailored Support: The Technology Endeavor Scholarship is designed to provide tailored support for professionals navigating career transitions. Whether you’re exploring new industries or seeking advancement within your field, this scholarship offers the resources and guidance you need to succeed.
  • Confidence Boost: Transitioning between jobs can be daunting, but with the Technology Endeavor Scholarship, you’ll gain the confidence to pursue new opportunities with enthusiasm and determination.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Benefit from mentorship opportunities provided by industry experts, guiding you through the process of career transition and helping you navigate potential challenges along the way.

Alternative MBA: Unlocking Flexibility and Affordability

Traditional MBA programs come with hefty price tags and rigid schedules, but not the Alternative MBA offered through our Scholarship program.. Enjoy the flexibility to learn at your own pace, which includes:

  • Flexible Learning: Unlike traditional MBA programs with rigid schedules, the Alternative MBA offered through the Technology Endeavor Scholarship provides flexibility, allowing you to balance your studies with other commitments.
  • Affordability: Enjoy the affordability of the Alternative MBA program, making career advancement accessible to individuals from diverse backgrounds and financial circumstances.
  • Practical Skills: Gain practical, industry-relevant skills that are directly applicable to the challenges and opportunities of the modern business landscape, ensuring you’re well-prepared for success in your future endeavors.

Prestigious Certificate and Job Placement Assistance

Graduating from the Alternative MBA program isn’t just a milestone; it’s a testament to your dedication and expertise. With a prestigious certificate in hand, you’ll stand out from the crowd in job interviews and networking events. Plus, with job placement assistance from WeNetwork Asia, you’ll have access to exclusive career opportunities that align with your skills and aspirations.

  • Validation of Expertise: Upon completion of the program, receive a prestigious certificate that validates your expertise and sets you apart in the job market.
  • Exclusive Opportunities: Access exclusive job placement assistance from WeNetwork Asia, connecting you with top-tier career opportunities at leading tech companies across the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Networking Opportunities: Expand your professional network and forge valuable connections within the industry, opening doors to future collaborations and career advancement prospects.

Strategic Investment in Your Future

Your career is more than just a job—it’s a journey. This program isn’t just a financial investment; it’s a strategic move to secure your future success. By equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s tech-driven world, this program sets you up for, and provides you:

  • Long-Term Growth: The Technology Endeavor Scholarship represents a strategic investment in your future, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s competitive job market and ensuring long-term career growth and prosperity.
  • Industry-Relevant Education: Benefit from a curriculum that is specifically tailored to the demands of the tech industry, providing you with a competitive edge in the job market and positioning you as a valuable asset to potential employers.
  • Continuous Support: Receive ongoing support and guidance from Aman, Wzard.co, and WeNetwork Asia throughout your professional journey, ensuring that you have the resources and assistance you need to achieve your career goals.

Seize the Opportunity

A quick reminder that upon completion of the program, graduates will receive a prestigious certificate and invaluable job placement assistance from WeNetwork Asia, a leading tech company with extensive industry connections. The “Technology Endeavor Scholarship” represents a strategic investment in your future, equipping you with the essential skills and networks needed to thrive in today’s competitive job market.

Applications are now open at liveaman.com/endeavor, offering you the opportunity to take the first transformative step towards a brighter future. The application deadline is May 10, 2024. Seize this chance to revolutionize your career trajectory and secure a prosperous tomorrow.

About Aman, Wzard.co, and WeNetwork Asia

  • Aman: Elevate your employee benefits with Aman, your ultimate healthcare companion and benefit manager. We go beyond traditional insurance coverage to provide comprehensive wellness solutions that redefine workplace excellence.
  • Wzard.co: Democratizing business education for Indonesian professionals, Wzard.co offers expert-led courses and a supportive community environment to accelerate career development.
  • WeNetwork Asia: Your premier destination for top-tier recruitment services across APAC, WeNetwork Asia specializes in delivering exceptional talent and roles in today’s dynamic job market, driven by innovation and meaningful relationships.


The Technology Endeavor Scholarship isn’t just a scholarship—it’s a game-changer. It’s your opportunity to take charge of your career, unlock new possibilities, and secure a prosperous future in the tech industry. With the support of Aman, Wzard.co, and WeNetwork Asia, success is within your reach. Don’t hesitate; apply now and embark on a journey toward excellence with the Technology Endeavor Scholarship!

Also read: Tax Reporting Season: A Guide to Smooth Filing

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