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Online Marketplace, AmanShop – Let’s Have Healthy Shopping!

Online Marketplace, AmanShop – Let’s Have Healthy Shopping!

Credit [Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash ]

  • Updated on 16 Aug 2023
  • Redaksi Liveaman
  • 3 Mins

Hello AmanZens, in this good August, a new feature at Aman APP has been launched – The Online Marketplace, AmanShop. We are happily introducing this new addition that can assist you with many conveniences in healthy life.
AmanShop is a health & wellness online marketplace that provides a wide range of healthy products and services from glasses to vitamins to insurances that you can explore thoroughly and shop according to your needs.

Online Marketplace Background

In this digital era, the world of retail has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with the rise of online marketplaces revolutionizing the way we shop. Online marketplaces have become a driving force for growth, offering a wide variety of products and services that no other store can match.

These platforms have gained immense popularity, with 47% of digital purchases worldwide happening via online marketplace platforms*. AmanShop also offers many varieties, price comparison, and an easier shopping experience.

Online Marketplace VS Traditional Marketplace

We cannot help it but certain things may have changed in the digital journey. It’s true that online marketplace has had a significant impact on traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Here are some of the ways in which online marketplaces affect traditional stores:

  1. Decreased Foot Traffic
    With the rise of e-commerce and online marketplaces, traditional brick-and-mortar stores have seen a significant decrease in foot traffic. Consumers are now more likely to shop online, meaning fewer people visit physical stores.
  2. Increased Competition
    E-commerce has also led to increased competition for traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. Online retailers can offer lower prices and a wider selection of products than traditional stores, making it difficult for brick-and-mortar stores to compete.
  3. Changing Consumer Expectations
    E-commerce has changed consumer expectations, with customers now expecting a seamless and convenient shopping experience. Traditional stores that fail to meet these expectations risk losing customers to online marketplaces*.4. Adaptation and Integration: Traditional stores have had to adapt to the changing retail landscape by integrating online sales portals with their brick-and-mortar stores*. This has required investment in logistics networks and inventory management systems to ensure that online and offline sales channels are synchronized.
  4. Adaptation and Integration
    Traditional stores have had to adapt to the changing retail landscape by integrating online sales portals with their brick-and-mortar stores*. This has required investment in logistics networks and inventory management systems to ensure that online and offline sales channels are synchronized.

Also read What is Insurtech?

Benefits of Online Marketplace

Of course, as a popular future shopping, we also have many benefits that can be part of your healthy life:

  1. Convenience & Variety
    One of the key advantages of online marketplaces is the convenience we can offer to Amanzens. Instead of visiting multiple stores or websites, you can find a wide range of healthy & wellness products and services in one APP.
    We are providing a one-stop-shop experience, allowing you to browse through various categories, compare prices, and make purchases with ease.
  2. Price Comparison & Competitive Pricing
    AmanShop provides a platform for Merchants to compete with each other, resulting in competitive pricing. AmanZens can easily compare prices from different Merchants and choose the best deal. This transparency in pricing encourages Merchants to offer competitive prices, benefiting everyone. In addition, Aman will often offer deals, discounts, and promotions, further enhancing the value for everyone.
  3. Global Reach & Accessibility
    Start from Indonesia, but AmanShop will have a global reach, allowing businesses to expand their customer base beyond geographical boundaries. Amanzens from anywhere in the world can access and purchase products from AmanShop, breaking down barriers to international trade. This opens up new opportunities for businesses to reach untapped markets and for AmanZens to access products that may not be available locally.
  4. Enhanced Customer Experiences
    AmanShop will be prioritizing customer experience foremost, offering features such as customizable shipping, quick customer service responses, and easy returns. These features contribute to a seamless and satisfying shopping experience for everyone. We also provide a platform for AmanZens to leave reviews and ratings, helping others make informed purchasing decisions.
    Another thing that can be a highlight for current AmanZens that have been members of AmanProtect: As part of Wellness Environment at Aman, we also offer product recommendations that can be tailored to your health or insurance claim history and making everything easier for you to find.
  5. Opportunity for Business
    Last but not least are the benefits for our Merchants. For business purposes, selling on online marketplaces can be highly beneficial. AmanShop will provide an additional channel to market and sell products and services, increasing the Merchant’s brand exposure. We can also offer a ready-made customer base, reducing the need for extensive marketing and advertising efforts. By leveraging the reach and infrastructure of online marketplaces, businesses can expand their sales and grow their customer base.

    Interested in joining us as a Merchant? Contact Us immediately and our team will be ready to welcome you.

Step by Step to Start Online Shopping

It isn’t difficult to start shopping at AmanShop, we are dedicated to enhancing your shopping experience. Let’s explore the flow below to start this amazing journey with us.

Also Read Hello AmanVista!

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