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The Impact of Mental Health on Work: The Importance of Providing Health Insurance for Employees

The Impact of Mental Health on Work: The Importance of Providing Health Insurance for Employees

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  • 05 Aug 2024
  • Redaksi Liveaman
  • 4 Mins

Mental health is a crucial factor that affects employee productivity and well-being in the workplace. When employees experience this health issues, the impact is felt not only by the individual but also by the company as a whole. In an era where job demands are increasing, it is important for companies to pay attention to the health of their employees. One effective way to do this is by providing health insurance that includes whole package of healthcare.

The Impact on Work Productivity

Poor mental health can reduce employee productivity. Depression, anxiety, and prolonged stress often result in absenteeism, decreased performance, and mistakes decrease their performance in workplace . Employees experiencing health issues may find it difficult to focus, collaborate with colleagues, or make the right decisions. As a result, companies may experience a decline in productivity and an increase in operational costs. Additionally, employees with health issues, for this article, mental, often struggle with sleep problems, leading to chronic fatigue and lack of energy to complete daily tasks. This can exacerbate productivity issues and create a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

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The Importance of Employee Well-being

Providing healthcare insurance that includes many various health services is an important step in supporting employee well-being. Comprehensive healthcare service allows employees to access the health care they need without having to worry about high costs. This not only helps employees cope with their health issues but also shows that the company cares about their well-being. If employees happy, they can work efficiently for the company.

Healthcare Program from Aman

The healthcare services program from Aman offers various benefits for companies that want to support their employees’ health. This program includes flexible and affordable consultations with general practitioners and specialists. Thus, employees can easily access the healthcare services they need, both for physical and emotional issues. Additionally, Aman provides vitamin or suplemen for those employee who need. Aman also offers various wellness programs designed to help employees manage stress and improve overall well-being.

Benefits for Companies

Providing healthcare insurance that includes wellness services in mental has various benefits for companies. First, it can increase employee productivity because healthy mentally employees are more likely to be focused and efficient in their work. Second, it can reduce absenteeism because employees feel supported and have access to the care they need. Third, it can increase employee loyalty and reduce turnover, as employees feel valued and cared for by the company.


In an increasingly demanding work environment, employee health is a valuable asset that needs to be maintained. Companies that provide healthcare insurance that includes many various healthcare services not only help their employees cope with health issues but also enhance productivity and overall well-being. Investing in health care, especially mental, is not just an expense but a strategic move that can yield significant returns in the form of a motivated, healthy, and loyal workforce.

The healthcare services program from Aman is the right solution to support employee’s well being and create productive work environment. By providing easy access to health care, companies can demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being. This not only fosters a positive work culture but also has a long-term impact on the success and growth of the company.

Aman is a company that offers various health protection products for employees. By having reliable employee insurance like Aman, the company can provide essential benefits to its employees. In the long run, this can improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. When it comes to employee health benefits, Aman is the right choice to assist companies and employees in meeting their health protection needs. What are you waiting for? register now!

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