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Micromanagement : Definition, Traits, and How to Handle It

Micromanagement : Definition, Traits, and How to Handle It

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  • 12 Sep 2024
  • Redaksi Liveaman
  • Mins

Micromanagement? What is that? Here the explain; Imagine you’re working on an important project, but every move you make is scrutinized by your boss. Whether it’s deciding on the layout of a report or choosing a meeting time, nothing gets done without their approval. Instead of feeling empowered, you start doubting your abilities, losing motivation, and second-guessing every decision. This is a clear case of micromanagement—where leaders feel the need to control every detail, often stifling creativity and draining team morale. If this sounds familiar, you might be dealing with micromanagement.

What is Micromanagement?

Micromanagement is a leadership style where a manager is overly involved in the work of their subordinates. Instead of granting trust and autonomy, they tend to monitor and control every detail. While the intention might be good—to ensure quality—micromanagement often has negative consequences, such as lowering team morale and stifling productivity.

Traits of Micromanagement

Here are some signs that you or your boss might be a micromanager:

  1. Excessive Control
    Micromanagers always want to know every detail of the work, even the small ones. They have little faith that tasks can be completed without their involvement.
  2. Lack of Delegation
    Instead of delegating tasks, micromanagers prefer to do everything themselves or constantly check on the work of others.
  3. Lack of Trust in the Team
    A significant lack of trust in the team’s abilities is a hallmark of micromanagement. They feel only they know the best way to get things done.
  4. Over-Criticism
    Micromanagers often criticize even minor mistakes and rarely offer praise. They tend to focus on the negatives.
  5. Making Small Decisions Themselves
    Micromanagers often make decisions about things that should be handled by others on the team, even if those decisions are minor.

Negative Effects

Micromanagement can have serious consequences for both individuals and the team:

  • Decreased Morale
    When people feel their work isn’t valued or is constantly scrutinized, their motivation decreases.
  • Stifled Innovation
    A team that’s always under close watch doesn’t feel free to experiment or try new approaches, which ultimately stifles creativity.
  • Increased Employee Turnover
    Employees who feel stifled or not given room to grow often become frustrated and look for opportunities elsewhere.

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How to Overcome Micromanagement

If you feel you’re being micromanaged or you might be micromanaging, here are some steps to take:

  1. Trust Your Team
    One of the most effective ways to avoid micromanagement is to fully trust your team. Believe that they can complete tasks successfully.
  2. Delegate Clearly
    Effective delegation is key. Provide clear instructions and allow team members to complete tasks their way.
  3. Allow Room for Mistakes
    Understand that mistakes are part of the learning process. Instead of constant criticism, focus on how the team can learn from their errors.
  4. Foster Open Communication
    Create a work environment that encourages open communication. Invite the team to discuss ideas and listen without judgment.
  5. Focus on the Big Picture
    Rather than getting lost in the details, focus on the final outcome you want to achieve. This gives the team space to find their own path to the goal.


Micromanagement often stems from good intentions, but its impact can be harmful to both the team and individuals. Overcoming this leadership style requires self-awareness and an effort to trust in the team’s abilities. With open communication and clear delegation, it can be avoided, allowing the team to work more freely and productively.

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