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Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) & Managed Care Benefits

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) & Managed Care Benefits

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  • 05 Sep 2024
  • Redaksi Liveaman
  • 4 Mins

Keeping your employees happy and healthy is more than just a perk—it’s essential to running a successful and productive business. When you have a solid Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) plan in place, you’re not only ensuring that your employees are protected from workplace hazards but also fostering a motivated, energetic team. After all, a healthy workforce is a productive workforce.

But an effective OHS strategy doesn’t stand alone. By integrating Insurance Healthcare, especially those that include Managed Care, you can take your employee benefits to the next level. These healthcare plans ensure that employees receive high-quality care without worrying about costs or complexity.

The Importance of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

OHS is crucial for maintaining a safe and productive work environment. According to a report from the International Labour Organization (ILO), approximately 2.78 million deaths are reported annually due to work-related injuries and diseases. This staggering number highlights the importance of implementing a robust safety program to protect workers from harm.

An effective OHS plan ensures that employees are trained to handle potential hazards, workplace accidents are minimized, and overall employee morale is boosted. When your workforce feels safe, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive. However, while OHS is vital, it’s only part of the equation. Health insurance and managed care options can complement these efforts, offering a holistic approach to employee well-being.

The Role of Managed Care in Employee Health

Managed Care plans are designed to reduce healthcare costs while maintaining high-quality care for employees. These plans often include a network of healthcare providers, such as hospitals and specialists, that offer services at reduced rates. For employees, this means access to top-tier medical facilities and services without the stress of managing excessive bills.

What makes Managed Care particularly attractive is its focus on preventive healthcare. Employees are encouraged to undergo regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings, which helps detect health issues early on and prevent long-term complications. Preventive care not only reduces healthcare costs for businesses but also ensures that employees are in their best health.

Companies like Aman Insurance offer flexible healthcare plans that cater to the specific needs of employees. Through Managed Care, businesses can provide a wide range of services such as specialist consultations, hospitalization, and even mental health support, all while managing costs efficiently. By integrating these plans with OHS strategies, companies can create a safe and health-conscious work environment.

Also Read : Unlock the Best Health Insurance: BPJS, Group, or Individual?

The Benefits of Combining OHS and Managed Care

When you combine OHS strategies with comprehensive healthcare benefits like Managed Care, you create a win-win situation. Not only are your employees protected from workplace hazards, but they are also given the tools they need to stay healthy both physically and mentally. A well-rounded approach to employee safety and health has been shown to improve overall job satisfaction, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity.

Research has shown that companies with strong employee health programs report a 25% reduction in sick leave and a 15% increase in productivity (Harvard Business Review, 2020). This makes it clear that investing in the well-being of your team is an investment in your company’s success.


In conclusion, blending a solid OHS strategy with the benefits of Managed Care ensures that your workplace is safe, healthy, and productive. Your team stays energized, your business thrives, and you gain a competitive edge by providing a top-tier work environment. This holistic approach also demonstrates that you genuinely care about the well-being of your employees, fostering loyalty and reducing turnover. Ultimately, investing in their health is an investment in the long-term success of your company.

Aman is a company that offers various health protection products for employees. By having reliable employee insurance like Aman, the company can provide essential benefits to its employees. In the long run, this can improve employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. When it comes to employee health benefits, Aman is the right choice to assist companies and employees in meeting their health protection needs, contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp +62 858-8300-8888, register now!

References :

  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Harvard Business Review, 2020
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